Contact Us

Do you have a particular experience you’d like to discuss with us, a question, or some criticism to share? If so, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Irish Lotto Checker team.

We’re always looking forward to hearing from website visitors. All suggestions and constructive criticism are taken seriously, reviewed, and put into effect when appropriate. We would love to hear from you, and the team will do its best to respond promptly!

Special Notice

Irish Lotto Checker is a comprehensive source of information on everything about Irish Lotteries. We are committed to becoming a one-stop-shop for all of your lottery-related needs.

To ensure the quality of our service, we will never initiate contact with you or reveal personal information shared with us.

If you ever receive communication that claims to come from Irish Lotto Checker, you are most likely getting spam. Such messages usually originate from malicious or even criminal entities and should be reported immediately.

In the event of getting such communication, please send us a note as soon as possible. We will do our best to address the situation immediately and protect everyone involved.

Thank you!

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